Billing shows up very discreetly on your credit card statement. The name is listed on the preamble recording you will hear when you call.
Billing is easy and very secure. We use an automated system so you can Pay by Phone. This means you will enter all of your own Credit Card details and do not need to give that information over to a live person. Your info is more confidential this way and you maintain control of how much you want to spend.
Some clients like to Pay Online for their call, and you can do that by registering an account with us. The same thing is true that this is secure and you maintain control. Some clients like paying online so that they can add funds to their account in higher amounts, and then break that up into several calls or do one long call.
Paying Online has lots of benefits including Easy private messaging to Ladies, your own Call Reports so you can see EXACTLY what you spent, ease in adding funds, marking certain girls as your Favorites, and more!
All billing is discreet! You'll hear the billing name on the preamble when you call along with a review of the rates and how the service works. It's very confidential and no one will ever know you have called a phone sex line. All billing is secure! No human being will even see your full credit card number.
You MUST enter your and use your real information for billing. But our Bimbos never see any of it. You can use a fake name with them. It can't get any more private than that!
If you sign up for our service online please know that everything is secure and we are never going to email you unless there would be a problem with your billing. Operators do not "share" information and no one discusses your interests. We never pass your information along about you. Whatever you talk about with each lady is completely private and only between the two of you!
We do not do mailings and we do not spam your email.
We do not send anything via snail mail and we won't send you any email unless you contact first. We have excellent customer service skills and we understand that our clients value their privacy!